spiral freezers and chillers
FPS spiral freezers, chillers, and coolers are custom designed to meet your specific requirements. Aiming to build long-term partnerships with customers, we listen to each of your unique needs and concerns and incorporate these into our designs. Our focus on details ensures the spirals are optimized for all applications, from raw to ready-to-eat foods. We offer a range of innovative technologies to maximize performance and ensure the highest hygienic standards, all integral to lowering total cost of ownership.
External fan motors & drum drives
Hygienic stainless steel construction
Recirculating Clean-In-Place (CIP) system
Customizable access levels and recipe programming
Intralox DirectDrive or low-tension spirals
The only OEM to offer up to 72 inches (1.8 metres) wide belting
SynchroSD™ Sequential Defrost System for prolonged production runs
Slip-resistant sloped floors for proper drainage
Optimized Hygienic Design
Our spirals are designed to ensure the highest level of hygiene from the inside out. By eliminating bolted internal structures, removing hollow or angle-shaped supports, and elevating components off the floor, we reduce potential bacterial harborage points and ensure easy and safe access for inspection and cleaning. We also provide a recirculating Clean-In-Place (CIP) system to enable repeatable and consistent cleaning of the whole spiral with minimal consumables, manpower and energy.
Our specially engineered, fully welded stainless-steel enclosure with embedded support structures allows motors and gearboxes to be mounted externally. This further eliminates potential bacterial harborage points inside the spiral, improves maintenance access, and allows for CIP cycles with a pasteurization step. Our flexible panel joints have continuous TIG welds to ensure food-safe surfaces and can accommodate temperature changes.
Enhanced Production Efficiency
To help customers gain the highest efficiency, we offer a wide range of belting options for the spirals, including metal low tension and acetal direct drive belts, Intralox compact self-stacking belts, and the industry’s widest spiral belts with our 72-inch DirectDrive Systems.
Built with maintenance in mind, the innovative external motor and drive system protects electrical components from the freezer’s harsh internal environment. This extends their service life and improves uptime while simplifying replacement with reduced costs.
Our SynchroSD™ Defrost System enables seamless sequential defrosting of evaporator coils without impacting freezer performance or output quality. With precise airflow control, product always sees the same air temperature and velocity even during defrosting. Our spiral freezers promise extended high performance in freezing, chilling, and cooling, cutting maintenance and energy costs to boost customers’ profitability.